

Blogtoberfest12 and HAF blog

I've been thinking for a long while that I'd like to become a regular contributor over on the Handmade Artists' Forum Blog but was hesitant to put my name in the hat, firstly being uncertain on what kind of regular feature I wanted to share and secondly wondering weather I would be able to find the time to make regular contributions. It would not be a nice feeling to commit to a project then fail to deliver. To prove to myself that I could achieve that goal I set myself a personal daily blogging challenge through October first.

Just a couple of days in to my challenge Kerry, one of my smart and talented Craft Pimp Forum buddies, told me that she was going to be blogging daily in October too for Blogtoberfest12 which is now in it's 4th year. I hadn't heard of Blogtoberfest before and so I signed up to join the fun too. It buoyed me up no end knowing that I was going to be part of 300+ strong group of people aiming to achieve exactly the same goal. Anyhow, I've thoroughly enjoyed this month of daily blogging.....and am a little sad that Blogtoberfest12 is nearly over. Now that I know that there is more than enough time in the day for a teeny bit-o-blogging I've officially joined the HAF blog team and have a proper intro post and everything :-D

Jolene x

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